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Our Weekly Healing Sessions


   what is Healing?

* A natural energy therapy

* Deeply relaxing

* Non Invasive

* Complements conventional treatments

* Holistic

* Reported benefits include pain relief, improved physical wellbeing, reduction in stress and a more positive attitude.



Who are Devon Healers?
Devon Healers are Members of The National Healers Association.  We are celebrating our 10th Anniversary this year.
Devon Healers Practise, train and maintain standards of  excellence in healing practice. We are accredited with UK Healers.   
We meet every Friday afternoon at The Arcturus Clinic, Totnes from 1.00 - 3.00 pm ( last sessions is at 2.40 pm)
Individual healing sessions are for 20 minutes and a donation of £5 is requested to cover expenses.  All profits go to local charities. 
Devon Healers supports research into healing and we are also available to give talks and demonstrations to interested groups.
Healers                                       Do not diagnose, prescribe or promise cure. 
They train for a minimum of 2 years before becoming Registered Healer Practitioners.
They abide by a recognised Professional Code of conduct.







Our Weekly Healing Sessions


How does It Work?
Spiritual healing involves the transfer of natural energy through the Healer to the client.
It relaxes and re-energises the client and stimulates their own self-healing ability.
It is non-invasive, there is no physical manipulation - only light touch is used.


Is it Faith Healing ?

No Devon Healers and the National Healers Association are not connected with any religion or philosophy.  Expectation of benefit by the patient is not required or expected.

Individual members are free to follow their own philosophy.


Is it Placebo ?

No. Individuals who receive healing often experience profound emotional, physical and spiritual benefits regardless of their expectations.

In random and controlled tests healing has been shown to significantly benefit plants and animals as well as humans.


Can Doctors Prescribe Healing?

Yes.  Doctors are permitted to refer patients to a healer.  The NHS recognises Healing as a legitimate complementary therapy.  Some Healers are employed within the Health service and others work voluntarily within Hospitals, Hospices and GP Surgeries.















 research into healing


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