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What is Healing?


Energy Healing or Spiritual Healing is a completely natural process that promotes better health.  The channelling of healing energies through the healer can re-energise and deeply relax the client so that their natural resources are free to deal with their illness or particular problem in the best possible way.  It can be helpful in a wide range of physical, psychological, spiritual and emotional conditions, sometimes to a remarkable degree.  It is completely non-invasive and fully complements any other treatment that you may be having. It has been recognised as a therapy by the NHS and doctors are increasingly referring their patients to a healer.


Healers work with their hands a short distance from the client’s body or sometimes using light touch with your consent.  You will be seated on a chair or will lie on a couch so wear comfortable clothing (you may want to remove your shoes). During healing you may experience a variety of sensations, perhaps warmth or coolness, tingling or light pressure.  You may feel a little pain coming to the surface, and often dispersing, as healing goes to work.  Some clients feel little more than warmth but the process is no less effective.



You do not need to believe for it to work!  Nothing special is expected of the client except perhaps openness to anything that happens.  An awareness of the need for change and the motivation to do so can also be helpful.


Healing is not associated with any particular religion, -ism or -ology.



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